Below are articles and links received from Wakefield
11 February
February 2021 | Issue One
The Importance of a Lasting Power of Attorney
What is an LPA?
An LPA is a document that lets someone, the ‘Donor’, give one or more people, known as the ‘Attorney(s)’, the legal authority to make decisions on their behalf. This would apply if the Donor ever lacks the physical or mental capacity to do so themselves or they choose not to make decisions for themselves for another reason. According to the Office of the Public Guardian, less than 1% of the adult UK population has an LPA.
In England and Wales, there are two types of LPA:
Health & welfare: This can include things related to one’s daily routine, medical care, decisions on moving to a care home or receiving life-sustaining treatments. This only applies when someone is unable to make their own decisions.
Property & finances: This can include decisions related to managing one’s bank account(s), paying bills, benefits or pension payments or selling one’s home. This can apply as soon as it is registered, with the Donor’s permission. To set up an LPA, you need to be at least 18 years old and have mental capacity (i.e. the ability to make your own decisions).
What happens without an LPA? If someone loses mental or physical capacity, it’s often a significant emotional and psychological burden on their family. However, if a loved one doesn’t have the legal authority to make decisions on their behalf, that burden intensifies.
For example, if someone has a joint bank account and they lose their mental capacity, a bank will likely freeze the account, blocking most transactions. They will only reinstate the account after the court has appointed someone, called a deputy, to handle financial responsibilities on the individual’s behalf. This can be a long and expensive process, during which no money can leave the account to take care of bills or other family expenses.
Similarly, if decisions need to be made about medical treatment without an LPA in place, a family loses their authority to make those health-related decisions.
LPAs and Estate Administration
An LPA can only be in effect while the Donor is alive. If the Donor passes away, the LPA is no longer in effect, meaning the Attorney(s) can no longer make decisions on behalf of the Donor nor control any assets. Upon death, the Will comes into effect and the Executor becomes responsible for administering the estate. If there is no Will, the rules of intestacy apply, and the appointed Administrator manages the estate.
The Attorney may or may not be the same person as the Executor, however, if there is no Will, the Attorney could apply to become the Administrator of the estate.
Get in touch with Bluelight Wills:
Office: 0800 6 101 101
Mobile: 0792 3 421 476
16 April
Want to help the NHS? You can if you like sewing
Many Hospitals and care homes, etc, are desperate for scrubs and scrub bags and many local groups are being set up to organise people who can sew, issuing patterns and often fabric kits.
There is a Facebook page called ‘For The Love of Scrubs’ which can be found here:
This group was formed after identifying a shortage in supply for scrubs to frontline NHS staff during the 2020 COVID-19 Epidemic. This Facebook group is a platform to enable those who are able to, and would like to contribute towards supplying hospitals local to themselves with scrubs for front line workers. Some hospitals in the UK are facing shortfall in scrubs and PPE, this means our nurses are not as safe as they should be. They are aiming to produce 100+ sets of adult nursing scrubs.
Patterns and designs can be accessed can be found here:
Steve Edwards, CEO NARPO
25 March
Coronavirus: retired police officers returning to forces
During this national public health emergency, we have received some requests for clarification of NARPO’s position on the use of retired police officers, on a voluntary basis or potentially re-joining the police service in some capacity or as a police officer.
There has been a suggestion in an article from a former MPS commissioner, and also from the current commissioner, that retired police officers could be used in some capacity
NARPO members account for approximately two thirds of all retired police officers. Our view is that we know that many retired police officers already perform voluntary work for police forces throughout the country.
We agree that retired police officers have certain skills and experience which could assist the police in these extraordinary and difficult times. However, we are also mindful that many of those retired officers will also fall into the vulnerable category because of their age or health. For NARPO, our members’ personal health and well-being is a primary concern.
We are also aware of many local NARPO branches providing support to their vulnerable members and our business support and communications is putting together a guide that branches can use.
Re-joining the police
There are two ways to re-join the police service, either retiring and re-joining in a role which is materially different from that of a police officer, or rejoining the police as a police officer.
On the former there is information on our website-
As regulations stand, if someone wishes to re-join as a police officer, the police pension would be abated i.e. the person would stop receiving it until they retire again from the police.
The pension would still increase in line with CPI.
There is one force, and there may be others, which has a scheme for re-joining the police. However, there is no national guidance, as yet.
There are also some forces which are asking for volunteers.
Members should be directed to their individual forces, should they wish to find further information on volunteering or re-joining the police service.
We feel it is for each retired officer to make their own decision whether they wish to volunteer or not, taking into account their own individual circumstances and we would fully support those who wish to volunteer to assist the police service and help the vulnerable at this challenging time.
25 January
National Stalking Helpline – Volunteers required
The National Stalking Helpline is run by Suzy Lamplugh Trust. Suzy Lamplugh Trust is the UK’s pioneering personal safety charity and leading stalking authority, established in 1986 following the disappearance of 25-year-old Suzy Lamplugh whilst at work. We work towards creating a society in which people are safer – and feel safer – from the prevalence of stalking, harassment, aggression and violence, achieved through Supporting people; Education; and Campaigning. Our stalking helpline advice and advocacy service offers support and advice to thousands of victims of stalking every year.
Helpline volunteer job description
We are looking for dedicated, enthusiastic and empathetic volunteers to respond to emails from victims of stalking. Full training will be given so previous experience in these areas is not mandatory.
Skills required:
- Excellent writing skills
- Empathy
- Be able to commit to one day a week (around 6 hours) for at least 9 months
- Be able to attend the Helpline training dates
- Familiarity with databases is desirable
The Helpline’s opening hours are:
Monday – Friday 09:30 – 16:00 except Wednesdays when we are open 13:00 – 16:00.
What support/training will you receive?
Volunteers will receive training in providing support via email, criminal and civil legislation relating to harassment and stalking, domestic violence, stalker typologies, personal safety and helpline policies and procedures. Volunteers will work alongside a Helpline Advisor every shift for support and debriefing purposes, and will have regular 1-1’s for support.
What will you get in return?
- Comprehensive training in issues surrounding stalking and harassment.
- Making a difference by playing an active role in supporting people affected by stalking and harassment.
- An opportunity to learn and develop valuable transferable skills.
- Gain valuable experience in the charity sector.
- Become part of a fast-growing and respected service
- Expenses will be reimbursed in line with Helpline policy.
Where are we?
We are based in Central London (due to the sensitive nature of the work we do, the location is only revealed once an applicant is successful).
Please send your CV and expression of interest to:
Suzy Lamplugh Trust
Please click here for more information about Suzy Lamplugh Trust and for ways to donate
If you are experiencing stalking please click here to contact the National Stalking Helpline or to find out more
Charity no: 802567 Company no: 2417823
For the latest offers from Voice Mobile, going from 4GB per month to 90, click here.
24 December
Dear Steve Edwards, Chief Executive Officer National Association Retired Police Officers I, the undersigned, Attila Schipek ensign Hungary Budapest, turn to you and the NARPO for assistance.
I intend to travel to England in February for their help. I joined the Hungarian Police in 1982. I worked at the Budapest Police Headquarters in the following positions – Patrol – Counter-Terrorist Sniper – Criminal Investigator – On-site Inspection Commander – Headquarters on duty. I retired in the fall of 2006 due to my ill health. Currently, asthmatic lung disease is being treated.
Unfortunately, Hungary’s air composition and global warming only make my condition worse. I go for a medical check-up every three months. In summer when I am 38 degrees Celsius I can only be in an air-conditioned room.
I get a medicine called Symbicort turbuhaler, which I have to keep taking. I use a physiomer isotonic seawater nasal rinse solution. In my apartment, I use a salt lamp to improve the air quality.
I have heard that the air in Brighton and Devon is salty. Doctors say sea air has a healing effect on my lung disease. That is why I decided to heal in your country.
In view of the above, I am asking the Honourable CEO and his organization to help me not to rent accommodation from an unknown/civilian/person. I am more confident and friendly with colleagues – be they anywhere in the world. I prefer to rent accommodation from a colleague or police organization. I have not travelled abroad this will be my first trip abroad.
I plan my stay in England for 1-2 months.
I would like to note that I speak minimal English. I use an interpreter machine.
I would ask you and your organization to provide – for a fee – accommodation in Brighton or Davon. [Devon? – Webmaster]
Look forward to your reply.
I wish all colleagues a happy and peaceful Christmas.
Sincerely yours, Attila Schipek 1237 Budapest Örgébics utca 6